Tuesday, June 20, 2006

taco taco

So I just got back from watching Nacho Libre (which was mucho funny) and I am digging the ethnic vibe. Actually, I can't get this song out of my head. Ever. John told me I had to stop singing (but actually he just sings along after he scolds me). I guess he doesn't want taco flavored keeeeeeeeeeses. If anyone can find more video from this South Park episode, let me know asap. In the meantime, enjoy getting this stuck in your head.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Meowsers! Happy Birthday, Bella & Diego!

Okay, quit your whining, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Yes, I created a kitty slideshow - but it is for a very important occasion. My kitties, Bella & Diego, turn 3 today! You know you love it. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What's Worse?

That this is very entertaining to me or the fact that I have personally done every single move showcased in this video?

How did we once rock out in all seriousness just like this to these songs and when did these moves become funny?

From now on, I will be a wallflower. That never goes out of style. Actually, that is impossible for me. I can't help to shake my thang to any type music. Rock on brotha and I will do the same.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I wish I knew how to quit you

I just unearthed something that I buried years ago. I should have never brought it back. It took over my life, distracted me from my studies, kept we awake at night, and had full control. When I closed my eyes at night, I saw it playing out in my mind. Free moments were stolen by its addictive grip. I knew it was so dangerous - why did I bring it back? Because it is Snood.

If you haven't played, DON'T even think about downloading it. The little snood men will take control and pretty much get you fired from work. They are eeeevil. They dance around in your dreams at night and control you by day. Now, I mean it, if you haven't been touched by the Snood-bug, don't do it. See, I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books because I think there should be at least one person in the world who has not read them and has no idea what hogworts is. Even the word hogworts pretty much freaks me out. I will keep my distance from Harry - you keep your distance from Snood. Just in case something happens - we need someone who hasn't been brainwashed by these little colorful shapes. Oh my, I just checked out the website again. It even says "forget life, play Snood." This is getting ooc (out of control). Just don't say I didn't warn you. Play wit fire, ya gonna get burned. Unless you want your computer to look back at you and see THIS - don't play.

I don't know what got into me tonight. Why did I open this huge can of worms?! It has been years since I have played, but it felt great knocking the purple triangles out, strategizing to build a looong chain - just to blast it away, and angling my mouse juuuust right so I could bounce the little men off the wall to fit right where I wanted them. Then I felt the rage that comes along with Snood...things don't go where they are supposed to. They don't bounce like they should. I miscalculate the angle by .00000001 degree and I'm screwed. I definitely feel like I am a freshman at IU again sitting in my hot ass room with no AC, but I had no worries because I was playing Snood. Actually, it didn't matter if I had a 10 page paper due in 1 hr, no A/C, and someone just shouted down the Briscoe hall that "the store" just got in the cheese squares or the chip dip (you Briscoe dwellers know what I am talking about!). It seemed like everyone was playing Snood. We would wander into one another's dorm room's to play Snood. Snood brought us together. I remember how ticked I would get if someone played on my computer and out-scored me and I had to look at their lousy name until I beat their score. I would have to snap in the air and say "oh no u di 'int"

I need to get some sleep and dream of sugar-plum snoods. Nuh-night :)