This past spring, someone recommended that I read
When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold S. Kushner. I had heard of book before, the title seemed a little cliche, but I wasn't about to turn anything down that had potential healing power. I picked up the book and honestly became one with the text. I don't recommend this book for casual reading, but only for someone who is in a desperately experiencing a profound loss. I related to so many of the words and the way of thinking. The words were as comforting as someone wrapping their arms around me and understanding my heartache. Since I finishing the book, I often find myself reflecting on the messages inside.
Lately, I've been thinking about how Kushner quoted a nineteenth-century Hasidic rabbi as saying "human beings are God's language." Kushner continued, "God shows His opposition to cancer and birth defects, not by eliminating them or making them happen only to bad people (He can't do that), but by summoning forth friends and neighbors to ease the burden and to fill the emptiness." This line resonated with me months ago while my mom was really sick because are home was never empty - nor was our refrigerator. People from far and near were at our doorstep wanting to see my mother, hug my family, and bring us whatever comfort they could. We had to put up a sign on the front door that said "Please come in" because if we didn't we would be answering the door all day. It is beautiful and comforting to think that these people were "God's language" and were enveloping my home and family with love.
As I anticipated Thanksgiving this year, I thought about this quote again. Again, though in smaller numbers, I felt loved and cared for by family and friends. As my mom's birthday and Christmas approaches, I hope I, along with my family, can continue to feel the love of God's language - our dear friends. For that I am thankful.